About Me
Richard Richman
Quantum Holistic Medicine/Clinical Kinesiologist
My professional objective is always to utilize my full range of formalized and eclectic therapeutic skills resulting from 30 years of hands-on clinical and educational experiences. My ongoing goal is to deliver optimal patient care. The delivery of my qualitative and consistent integrative holistic approach, will be complimentary, collaborative, professional, and founded upon the Spirit of service and utmost respect for each client’s individualized criteria.
Education /Training/Licenses and Certificates
2010-11 – Heart Health – Heart health, 03 mentor/educator, Dr. Joe Prendergast MD
2009-11 – Cardiaware – Equipment testing/education regarding cardiovascular health
2007 – Full QME Training – California Worker’s Comp, San Jose, CA
1999 – Injury Prevention – Consultant for BackSafe/FIT, San Francisco, CA
1992-94 – Diplomat – Advanced Energy Healer, Sedona, AZ Robert Jaffe MD. Intuitive
1980-82 – Certificate – Healer – HeartSong School of Healing – Berkeley, CA
1979 – BS Biology – University of Sciences, Lombard, IL
1977-79 – Training – National University of Sciences, Applied Kinesiology Applications
1975-79 – Doctorate Degree – National University of Sciences, Lombard, IL
1974 – Training – Specialized study in Radiation Therapy Dosimetry
1971 – Associate Degree – Radiation Therapy Technologist, RTT, San Francisco City College
Awards. Fellowships, Grants
1995 – Rockefeller Grant – Writing grant regarding energetic medicine research
1986 – San Francisco County Fair – Blue Ribbon Winner, Health Practitioner
Positions Held/Volunteer Work/Networking Activities
2016-Present BCMTV (Berkeley Community Media TV)
Ongoing healthcare video series
2000-2011 Sole Proprietor
Glenview Holistic Chiropractic, Oakland, CA
Doctor of Chiropractic/Specialized Kinesiologist
- Expansion of community outreach in various local health stores offering complimentary consultations to customers seeking nutritional choices from 2007-2011
- KEST radio guest spot: Dr. Len and Vicki Saputo
- Current own radio show “In House Wholistics” half hour program KECG 88.1 /97. 7 FM, MORE Public Radio, www.morepublicradiointernational.org. Sunday mornings 11:30AM
- Listed in the REEL Directory (Northern CA Media Production)
1982-2000 Sole Proprietor
Alameda Holistic Institute, Alameda, CA
Doctor of Chiropractic/ Specialized Kinesiologist
- Management of 5 employees, 3,000 sq ft. facility
- Integrated holistic clinic offering services of chiropractic, energetic medicine, specialized kinesiology, x-ray,massage therapy, colon hydrotherapy, seminars, evening health education classes taught by myself and/or guest speakers
- Community outreach public TV show: “Dr. Rich.man’s Holistic” resulting in 22 1st generation DVDs
- KEST radio guest spots: Maureen Sullivan, Bobby Jonas
- Provided internship training for advanced therapeutic massage techniques from massage schools i.e. NHI and miscellaneous volunteer public school/university level classes in holistic health training
- OSHA approved BackSafe employee training for prevention of job injuries
1980-82 Doctor of Chiropractic, Personal/ Auto Injury Specialist
Avenul Chiropractic, Oakland, CA
Richard L. Richman D.C.
Numerous published/non published articles available upon request.
Conference Presentations
“All Paths Lead to Energy- Innovative Applications” 1 day workshop, Oakland 2006
“Energy Medicine” 1 day CEU hypnotherapists, Oakland, CA – 2006
“Quantum Holistic Medicine”, Mt. Kailash School, Kathmandu, Nepal – 1998
“Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy”, World Genius Convention, Kyoto, Japan – 1992
“Kinesiological Homeopathic Applications”, Buenos Aires, Argentina – 1986
“Holistic Herbal Applications”, Honolulu, Hawaii – 1985
“Holistic Chiropractic Applications”, Hong Hong – 1984
“TMJ” accredited dental seminar, San Francisco, CA – 1982
Miscellaneous Topics: New Living/Whole Life Expos – 1982
National Health Federation, National Holistic Institute, UCSF, Cal Berkeley lectures – ongoing
Fields of Interest
Sports medicine, auto/personal injury cases, quantum Kinesiological applications, Mind-Body connection, cranial sacral technique, “Supportive Aging” education/nutrition, “Prevention Before Intervention”, children & teens holistic health education, Pulse Wave technology, motivational lifestyle coaching, health educator/ public speaker, energetic medicine, I-arginine and Vitamin D3 applications. More info provided upon request.
Current Professional Organizations
California Chiropractic Association
Past/Present VIP Clients/Career Highlights
Oakland Raiders: Henry Lawrence, Lester Hayes, Marcus Allen, Bobby Chandler, Lance Johnstone
Golden State Warriors: Purvis Short
SF Giants: Tony Jones
Oakland A’s: Vita Blue
Phillies: Billie Brent
Tennis: Billie Jean King, Rosie Casias, C.C. Martinez, Cal Berkeley
Olympic Ice Skater: Brian Boitano
Entertainment Industry
Oakland Ballet: Coach and Dancers
Music: Musical CATS-Susan Zugirre
Movie: Location site managers, Matrix 2
Alternative Health
Health Advocate: Maureen Sullivan, past president National Health Fed
Health Advocate: Robert W. Bradford PhD, inventor most powerful microscope
Author, Educator: Matthew Fox, Founder University Spirituality, authored 50 books
Madrid, Spain: Conference of the American Radiologic Society
London, England: Visited Royal British Hospital, renowned Dosimetry physicist
Official Chiropractor
San Francisco, CA: Transamerica Tennis Open 1986
San Francisco, CA: Virginia Slims Tennis Open 1987
Interests and Activities
Inventor: Therapeutic Fashion Wear; strategically placed mineral acupressure bead applications
Travel: India/Nepal/Tibet Earth grid expedition participation with group following the Path of Buddha
Current Developing Interests
- Comprehensive Wellness Programs custom designed for employer/employees
- Community Health Education Collaboration with health food store owners/employees
- Clinical Community Diagnostic Center paradigm (“Prevention Before Intervention”) featuring non-invasive screenings for: Cardiovascular Health, Free Radical levels, Core Wellness Autonomic Nervous System Evaluation, FootLevelers comprehensive scan/arch analysis
- ADMA, Vitamin D3 clinical lab testing for clients and as a community service • New developments in video Internet marketing field
To make an appointment, please click here.